Monday, November 11, 2013

Mirror Mirror on the Wall: The History and Art of Scrying


The History and Art of Scrying

The word scrying comes from the English word “descry”  which means “to make out dimly” or “reveal”.  The purpose for this activity has been skewed through media and false knowledge giving it the presumption that one does such a thing to speak beyond the veil. Here we will help you understand what the true purpose for this amazing exercise of the human mind is, where it came from, and how anyone (YES YOU!) can do it. Scrying is much more than Hollywood’s trumped up Romani gazing into a crystal ball. It’s a journey into the deepest recesses of your mind.
The practice of scrying dates as far back (documented) as 3000 BC in China where cracked eggs were used as a form of scrying and divination. From the Oracles of Delphi to the Cradle of Mankind in Africa. It’s so well documented and such a common practice that even the buttoned up Victorians of a beautiful bygone era had their method even before the Spiritualist movement. It was said that if a young Victorian girl took a mirror...and looked behind her into another mirror… She’d see the face of her future husband. If you remember, in the infamous novel, ‘Pride and Prejudice’….Miss Elizabeth toyed with such, and behold was her Mr. Darcy.  The Egyptians used a vessel filled with oil to scry...calling on a young boy to peer into it while invoking their God to determine a fortunate solution for their query. You see, the rhyme and reason behind scrying wasn’t to communicate directly with spirits (such as a medium might) but to discern the past, present, or future of situations. For example, The Oracles of Delphi. They had a special spring where they gazed into the water giving Emperors, Generals, and peasants alike visions of the future and their fate. Kingdom’s breaths were held on the scrying of their mages and religious figures. Wars waged on the direction given by scrying seers. Accounts of scrying can be found in practices of Queen Elizabeth I and from the pages written on King Arthur's Merlin. How wonderfully (and historically) delicious!
There are so many ways and methods to scrying they are actually categorized. (Categories can be found in reference links...there really are too many to go into at the moment.) The early more popular forms used by religious leaders of the Yucatan and Aztec shaman were to use reflective crystals and gemstones with an emphasis on quartz. Aside from having their perspective magical properties in the cultures the quartz or gemstones had a very shiny, deep, reflective surface. You see, in order to scry one has to become almost trance like. Deeply relaxed and focused on intent. Muscles loose. Looking about five inches “into” the matter they are scrying with a blank mind blocking all outside stressors. Nostradamus used a black mirror in legend to divine his visions and predictions of the human race. Both black and silver mirrors are commonly used as well. For heavens sake, who was it that said, “Looking glass upon the wall --- Who’s the fairest of them all” ? Oh yes, The wicked Queen from our beloved ‘Snow White’. It’s more prevalent than one would think! We then get into the all knowing crystal ball. The Wizard of Oz gazed in his...seeing Dorothy’s family upset and worried about her absence. Gypsies staking their price to peer into the dimly lit ball of glass to tell you where your future resides. Other forms of scrying can include what is called ‘abacomancy’ where one will scry into dust. There is ‘molybdomancy’ where the seer or seeker looks into melted metal for answers. Pools water and plumes of smoke are also popular and well documented methods. There are about as many medias of what one can scry into as a Dalmation has spots. The only right one is the one that works for the seeker.
Intrigued yet? Would you like to try your hand at scrying? Wonder if you are the Oracle of Portland? Well lucky you. I’m about to tell you how.

  1. Find your media you wish to scry into. This might take a few tries to see what works best for you. A mirror is cheap (You can make your own if you wish. Personalize it.) Or if you want to be super fancy you can spring for a glass or crystal ball. (Stop by Tiffany’s on your way back for me, darling. Momma can always use a new set of pearls. ;-D )
  2. Relax. Make sure the room you’re in is free of debris that will distract you. Of sound and light except for the candles you light or the dimmed lights. Take the media you chose in your hand (unless it’s liquid..then simply place your hands around the container.). Some practitioners say if it’s warmed by your touch before hand the process works better because it creates a link. Meditate. Deeply. Focus inward pushing everything out of your mind except the object in your hands. Understand what you’re doing is tapping into your deepest corners of your mind. This space of time is for you. Connect your energy to your media.
  3. Open your eyes. As you are putting your media in front of you (unless its liquid then concentrate on the bowl and contents) focus on the intentions of your scrying. Are you looking into the future? The past? Have a question for the present? Regarding your career, relationship, or finances? Be clear about your intentions.
  4. You can either put down the media or continue holding it. Stare deeply...about 4 or 5 inches into the surface. Gaze at the light within. Use the light inside to connect to the divine light within yourself. This is your tool to tap into your personal energy. When you connect a fog or images may start to appear. Impressions and insights.

Now, remember. Scrying is NOT to be used in place of common sense. It’s not to take the place of rational thinking and do NOT scry longer than 20 minutes at a time. Most practitioners say that scrying is really an intense meditation. Where, gazing, you are able to connect with a place farther than your ID and Ego. They think the revelations that emerge where with you all along and you just gave your subconscious the room it needed to manifest. If you think about it, they sure seem to be making a lot of sense. We tend to often forget our true internal power and don’t trust our intuition. Sometimes we need a bit of serious meditation and inward focus to draw out what we were capable of all along.

For more information on scrying or help identifying what materials to use please visit our website at or email us at We have a new site coming and more exciting content! REMEMBER: If you have a problem with something out of the ordinary and reside in the Southern California or Raleigh, NC area give us a shout! We leave no one hanging!

Love and light….


Crystal Balls & Crystal Bowls: Tools for Ancient Scrying & Modern Seership (Crystals and New Age) by Ted Andrews


CLEANSING: Much More Than Smudging


Grounding? Cleansing? Smudging? What are these words and why do they matter? You may have just visited our page on a whim…...or maybe you're an experienced paranormal investigator….. either way the subject of clearing out the negative in your life is relevant to all of us. I’m going to give you a quick run down on exactly what a cleansing is and how important an understanding of the ritual is before an execution of the ceremony is made. Despite what you may read online or buy as a kit online...clearing out a home, an object, or an aura is not a one size fits all concoction.
   Let’s put this in perspective. When you go to clean your clothes there are different types of filth. Some come right out with laundry detergent. Some may need a pre-treatment. Others require bleach….or baking soda. Sometimes you want to add softener. The same can be applied to the process of energy cleansing. There are negative energies constantly butting up against our aura, entering our homes, slithering into our lives. Some are entities of people past, some may not have been human ever, others are just mean and nasty thoughts while some were left in a place by people and events that came before. There are literally hundreds of different things that soil our personal space on a daily basis. Like we have to wash our clothes...we need to cleanse our space. Rolling with that train of thought, because there are so many things swirling around marking up our lives there are just as many solutions to eradication
   Many websites and books will tell you to grab some sage from Whole Foods, light it up, and smoke out your house/car/ect. The truth is, is that unless you are just moving into a space or are looking for a light “dusting” of your space you might as well be trying to clean house in the middle of a child’s birthday party.  Conducting a thorough and effective cleansing takes time and research. Just like a regular spring cleaning can take all day….so does the preparation for a serious cleansing. Once you have your “problem” (or what is ailing your space) nailed down you need to take a series of steps to manufacture a proper solution. Compare it to a symphony….or an amazing recipe. All the materials involved need to come together “just so” and form the most desirable outcome.
   You will have to take into consideration the God/Goddess/Angel/ ect you will be addressing for the ritual. In accordance to your chosen accessory energy you will need to work out the preferred herb, stone/crystal, oils, incense, colors, moon phase, and possibly even day of the week the guardian requires. Cross reference that with your desired outcome. Work out the best way to implement all of them in a ceremony that will adhere to your intentions. Just like you would use a different solution for cleaning glass, wood, and tile you need to tailor your ceremony to your subject of cleansing as well. Unless you are dealing with the most casual of clearings or protections (just getting ‘rid” of negative energy) your ceremony should have more than one purpose and effect. Not just to “push” something out. But to protect. To neutralize the energy so it doesn’t wait at your door or head up the block. (Energy doesn’t just disappear. )To infuse love, hope, and peace within the space. Or even prosperity and patience. Maybe encouraging a better flow of energy in the space….and empower the resident/owner/person this is being done on. To “banish” is not necessarily good enough.
   Worse than an ineffective cleansing is an improper one. Example….waving Holy Water in the face of a Native American from before the 1700’s will be nothing short of insulting and confusing for the Native American. He’d have no idea what it was and feel nothing if not threatened. Say that Native American was the energy causing you stress on your property. Walking around hollering and tossing water in an aggressive fashion will only sour the stressed entity/living relationship even more and amplify activity. You cannot use a Jewish method on a Hindu energy, a Buddhist cleansing on an old English gent trapped in time, or a Catholic ritual on a Native American. Again, Windex for glass, wood polish on Oak, and grout cleaner for grout. Not only will you have no difference in the house but your activity can become violent..or more so. Aggressive or thicker. It’s akin to leaving the spoon in the bowl and microwaving it.
   When all is said and done….grounding is next. Grounding is a necessity after cleansings. A stone with properties of certain metals such as iron carry high or “positive” vibrations...used as a barrier around something such as a property it creates a sort of force field making it exceedingly hard for lower or “negative” vibrations to break through and dirty up your space again. Such stones as hematite will nicely do the trick. Placed in the four corners of a property or space it can also have a very calming and balancing effect.
  Now that you have a better idea of what goes into a proper cleansing go out and have fun with it! Cleans your car, your home, your aura, your work space. It’s all necessary and all very much worth the time being put into it. Reconnect with yourself during the process. You deserve to live clean and productively. Research and educate yourself on what energies affect your life. Take back your power and understand how your world is working. Have some good “clean” fun!   

For more information on cleansings or help identifying what materials to use please visit our website at or email us at We have a new site coming and more exciting content! REMEMBER: If you have a problem with something out of the ordinary and reside in the Southern California or Raleigh, NC area give us a shout! We leave no one hanging!

Love and light…...

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